Like so much of Internet strategy today, content matters tremendously in ads. This is where rich media plays a role. Unlike a flat, simple image or text block simply conveying a product or service message, rich media involve a far more integrated approach with multiple format elements combined. A key difference is that viewers are encouraged, even attracted, to engage with the advertisement, potentially getting some minor benefit for engaging with the advertisement. That, of course, produces responses to a call to action and even more engagement in return. 

Think of Rich Media Like a Star Trek Chess Set – Multi-Presence

Rich media is designed to take an omni-channel approach towards communication with an audience. At the same time, it can gather data from the engaging viewer, especially if they respond to the call to action to provide input for more steps and more interaction. Each level of engagement can capture deeper and deeper data, especially when the rich media involves some kind of a gamification strategy as well. It’s not necessary, but the approach with rich media tends to be highly successful as well as produce better retention rates for return viewers. 

Far Greater Design Flexibility Available

At the same time, rich media provides ad-makers and designers a portfolio of technical opportunities based on HTML5 protocol foundations. That means an assortment of media tools can be used seamlessly, from social media connections to video to forums and posting servers all in the same rich media package. HTML5 ads are an ideal tool for generating a groundswell of awareness in a new service or product, and it is regularly used with Internet-based marketing launches given the inherent nature of digital delivery to audiences. 

Fertile Opportunities for New Attention Generation

Dynamic rich media marketing can be applied to video channels, bulletin boards, dynamic community channels, social media channels, emails, texts, and just about any other digital delivery mode available today and probably soon tomorrow. Combine digital rich media with blockchain technology, and the content can become commoditized and easily transferrable to audiences far beyond whoever might have been the original marketing target alone. That works extremely well when the rich media generates a viral demand for more content.

Examples are Plenty

Some of the most common forms of basic rich media advertisement involve interactive storylines with video content, pulling the viewer into the continuation of a storyline and related drama. In return, the viewer is providing contact information to be notified of the next chapters and episodes made available. At the same time, that data provides a marketing bank for the marketers’ additional projects with a warm audience already tuned and interested. 

Another example involves texts and tweets that pull viewers by linking into video content or gamification sites, offering benefits for deeper and deeper clicking and involvement. The longer the viewer stays, the more of an advantage they earn. This type of rich media approach builds a loyalty activity that also generates repeat visits and more opportunities for downstream content distribution as well.

In short, rich media is the 4.0 level of digital advertising, and Digitaland can help if you’re interested in finding out more.